Why work with Mel
I am a business owner and I grew up as a child of business owners.
Finding balance in business & life as well as financial freedom is not always easy believe me. We all know that cash flow is fundamental to business success, and without it, we simply wouldn't have a business.
If I can help business owners achieve the vision they have for themselves and their business to thrive, then I know I am on the right path.
Many businesses struggle to thrive not because of the lack of skill or quality but because of insufficient and lack of cash flow. It's that simple.
I work with business owners to understand that prevention is the best strategy to mitigate this issue. It is critical for businesses to be able to navigate and manage the risk when the unexpected happens or major crisis occurs.
Helping business owners to realise this adds a massive value to any businesses.
It is my passion to work alongside business owners in meaningful way that can have life changing results.
Proudly partnering with EC Credit Control , leaders in best practice credit management.